Monday, 30. September 2013

Attract New Clients Or Get Your Message Noticed With a Scrolling LED Badge

Advertising plays a critical role in any business, whether you own a manufacturing company, retail outlet, restaurant, financial business, or any type of Internet venue. One way to get the word out about your company without saying a word is by wearing a scrolling LED badge. Many people wear badges, name tags, or pins to relay a question or statement about their company or cause, such as "Ask me about ______!" (You fill in the blank.)

Name badges can open up a conversation about your business anywhere you go, and may possibly help you gain new clients. With a scrolling LED badge, you can say even more with one little badge because your words are no longer limited to a 2-inch by 3-inch printing space!

What are Scrolling LED Badges?

A scrolling LED badge is an electronic device (battery-operated) that is as small as or smaller than a business card. It features a self-contained LED personal text message system that can be customized to portray any message you want. Your message will scroll across the badge in bright, very noticeable words - just like a scrolling LED business sign. Some LED badges have up to five speed settings so you can find the scrolling speed that's most comfortable for you. Also, a high quality scrolling LED badge will usually last up to 20 hours on one battery. The badge can be turned off when not in use; this gives plenty of time to get your message across before buying another battery!

Your Benefits

The benefits and potential of a scrolling LED badge are tremendous. It's an affordable way to advertise - less than $16 for a good quality badge. This is far less than most advertising techniques. You can barely place one classified ad for that amount! Also, scrolling LED badges can be customized, programmable with various text messages. You'll be able to store different messages and change them quickly as needed.

This also works well if you need to promote two different ideas or businesses, or if you want to test numerous product promotions. You'll be able to switch gears whenever you want without buying multiple printed badges or tags. You can re-program the badge at any time to change your messages, which gives you unlimited ability to test your headlines and see which brings the most response.

Another benefit is the scrolling LED badge is quite noticeable with its bright, fluorescent letters. These really grab attention, unlike any printed badge. People will notice it, and will likely read it out of curiosity. As for wearing the badge, it's easy to attach with a magnetic clip so it will not damage your garments.

You can wear a scrolling LED badge to any restaurant, grocery or department store. Wear your badge at a convention, trade show, or business meeting. Wear it during parties or anywhere there's a lot of people. Use the badge to promote a special cause, fundraiser, political campaign, or for any other reason.

Buying a Scrolling LED Badge

It's easy to buy scrolling LED badges online, whether you need one badge for yourself or many badges for your employees. Look for a company that offers wholesale deals on multiple badges if you need to buy for employees. You can likely save lots of money per badge when buying by the case. Even if you don't own a company or have a cause to promote, scrolling LED badges make wonderful gifts for birthdays or the holidays. If you have a friend or loved one that owns a business or sells a product, they're sure to appreciate your thoughtful gesture!

Start getting noticed today with your own LED badge, and watch your number of prospects increase like never before.

Saving Money on Employee ID Badges

With the economic hardships not yet over, companies are still looking for ways to save money. One of the ways they can do this is by using the company printer to create ID badges for employees and visitors. They're easy to make and won't cost a fortune.

Step One: Make a Mockup.

A mockup is a quickly drawn design of how the ID badge is to look. Before coming up with a few designs, think about the items that can go on an ID badge:

Employee picture

Employee number

Employee title

Employee department

Bar code for time system (if such a system is used)

Business logo

Business address

Unique badge number

A simple employee ID badge will have the employee's name and the company's log on it. More complicated badges will contain all of the information in the aforementioned list. Usually, if the company's address is put on the badge, it is put on the back asking for it to be returned should it be found.

For ID badges that have more information on them than the employee's name and the company logo, it is a good idea to assign each badge with a unique badge number. These numbers should be put into a database to help track the badges and who they are assigned to. This is a security measure that helps keep track of who is responsible with their badges and who is not.

Once the information that is set for inclusion is chosen, it's time to do a rough design on paper. Most ID badges are approximately 2 1/2 inches by 4 inches. A rough mockup only has to have the space for each piece of information laid out. Once a layout is chosen, it's time to begin designing with computer software.

Step Two: Turn the Mockup into a Printable Design

Many offices use some sort of office productivity software. Usually, this is Microsoft Office, which comes with Microsoft Publisher. Other offices use other software brands, but the majority of those office suites come with a program like Publisher. They are used to create flyers, brochures and, in this case, ID badges. However, many find that simply using Word or an equivalent word processing program with draw features is just as suitable and easy to use.

If the software's document wizard doesn't include a paper size of 2 1/2 inches by 4 inches or whichever size was chosen during the mockup stage, then simply go with a full-size document. The image that is created can be tiled for printing later on. If special paper is chosen to print on, make sure the printer and the software have the proper drivers and printing options to accommodate the paper. It is often best to simply use regular or glossy 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch paper. Once the ID badges are printed, they can be cut down to the proper size for further processing.

If including employee photos, it is usually easier to take the photos prior to starting the design process. They can be cropped and saved with each employee's name or employee number in the file name for easy importation to the ID badge design. Once the main design is created, copy and paste it as many times as it will fit in a grid-like structure within the printable area of the document.

Once done, save this as a template. It is possible to place only one blank ID badge in each saved file, but this could drive costs up and defeat the purpose of making the ID badges in-house.

Step Three: Input Employee Information

As soon as the template is created, it is time to input the photos and all the information that is to be included on the badge. To make the saved ID badges easier to update in future, make the badges in alphabetical order by employee name, ordered by their unique badge numbers or ordered by employee numbers. In the case of Publisher or other similar software, it may be necessary to save multiple files.

If so, give them names that correspond to what information is in them or create another database that matches employees' names with the file that contains their badge. If using Word or other word processing software, one long document with all of the badges can be saved. Be aware that using this method may result in the document taking a while to load.

Step Four: Print, Cut and Assemble

Once all of the information is inputted, have one or more extra people proof the badges for mistakes. It wouldn't do to opt for creating ID badges to save money only to print out a bunch and find that mistakes that need correcting before the IDs can be used. After the badges are proofed, it is time to print.

There may not be enough employees about to lend a hand, but creating some sort of assembly line, even if manned by one person, is essential for organized badge creation. It is possible to use scissors to cut each badge away from the others, but a paper cutter is easier to use, and if an office doesn't already have one, they are not very expensive. The cost of a paper cutter can easily fit into a badge production budget.

A laminating machine is also required. These are a little more expensive buy, but they can be rented from many office supply stores too. Simply run the cut badges through the laminating machine. Once the laminating process is finished, use a hole-punch to put holes in them, and affix them to lanyards. Simple cord lanyards are very inexpensive and can be bought in company colors.

Depending on the number of employees, the entire project may take anywhere from an afternoon to a week to complete. However, when a printing service creates the same badges, the cost is generally four to 10 times as high as doing them in-office. The cost-savings far outweighs the time taken to make the badges.

While companies can save money by printing and producing their own employee id badges, it isn't always the best option. Visit Budget Badge for complete ID badge printing systems and supplies.

Regimental Badges

Regimental badges, also known as cap badges, head badges, or hat badge, is a badge typically sewn or attached to the headgear of a military man in order to distinguish him from the different troops, nationalities, and other organizations of the Military. A lot of organizations wear a badge, especially members of the police, military, as well as members of small groups such as Boy Scouts. Even paramedical units and fire service departments as well as customs departments are wearing a badge.

In the British Army the Regiments and members of the corps have made their individual badges to distinguish their groups from the others. The wearing of these cap badges have been known to be originally done by the British Army in decades long ago. They are known to have a distinct regimental badge being worn by their members. These cap badges were named as "cipher" for those in the Royal Horse Artillery, "Caps tar" by those belonging to the Cold stream Guards and "motto" by the regiment.

Regimental Variations Metals were not that often used during the Second World War. Instead, plastic regimental badges were used. Today, materials have shifted to stay-bright plastic materials because they are not as high-maintenance as the traditional brass badges. They are generally cheap and easy to clean.

Some variations have been made for these badges and they were mostly seen in the case of officer's badges and senior officers who are non-commissioned. For the officers, the badges are made up of more expensive material and may include silver, gilt, or sometimes enamel. Some have metal badges that can be attached, others have embroidered ones that are easier to attach by sewing.

Non-commissioned officers have designs that are elaborate enough to scream out the ranks but not as elaborate as those of the officers. These badges are also made up of high quality material. In the battlefield, members of the military often use a darkened version of their badges so as not to attract enemies and become their target.

How They Are Worn Depending on the rank, the division, or the organization you belong to, cap badges can be worn in a variety of ways. Let us take a look at some of the well-known methods of wearing a cap badge or a head badge.

A service dress cap is worn by some members of the military and is usually worn at the center of the forehead on the cap. A beret is worn a few centimeters above the left eye or two fingers above that eye. If you have a side cap, it is to be worn in the middle of the left ear and eye. The same instruction goes for those wearing the Scottish tam o'shanter and Scottish Glengarry. Most of these badges are worn towards the left ear, such as the Feather Bonnet, the Jungle hat, and the Fusilier cap.

Other members wear it using another way, sometimes at the front, and sometimes at the back. Examples of these are the Gloucestershire regiment and the Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment. However it is worn, regimental badges will always give you that well-earned respect you deserve. Regimental badges

The Benefits of a Retractable Badge Holder

The retractable badge holder is becoming more and more popular in the corporate world. Many employed individuals prefer to wear a retractable badge holder as their form of identification. The holder facilitates an easier way to enter specific office locations, clock in and out of work places and note attendance of an employee, or even release documents to personnel. Additionally, the retractable badge holder permits employees to swipe their IDs at door devices to open them even though they are standing at a fair distance. Companies often enforce a simple policy with their employees that is often overlooked or plainly ignored by their personnel. This rule is about wearing ID badges at all times when the employees are inside the companies' premises. This particular regulation is disregarded by some working individuals due to a lot of reasons that may include having to wear badges that are too heavy, too ugly or too bulky. These quandaries can be avoided when an employee uses a retractable badge holder.

Many employees carry their name badge in one of the pockets of their slacks or just insert it in into their breast pockets. These people only show their identification badges when needed. It's essential to understand that these habits can result to serious problems to the badge's condition. Firstly, there is an increased possibility that the badge will be misplaced. Secondly, the badges are prone to being damaged or dented because they are placed in the pocket. As a result, they are more likely to be sat upon or even washed together with the rest of dirty clothes in the laundry if forgotten.

A retractable badge holder solves many of these problems when worn by employees in a company. The design of the retractable badge holder allows employees to have his or her ID badge on the part of the body that is most convenient for them and the badge can simply be pulled away from the body when needed without having to detach it from the body. Employees will no longer have to worry about misplacing their badges or leaving them in their pockets.

The advantages and convenience of a retractable holder for badges are highly recognized by the employees and even by the enterprising minds that utilize them as part of their marketing strategies. Rather than spending huge amount of money for expensive promotional items or mementos, companies can order custom made retractable badge holders to promote their products or services as gifts or give aways to potential clients.

Having been in the corporate world for several years, I know just how convenient it is to have a retractable badge holder id to hold magnetic name badges in a convenient way, that stops the need to have to remove the name badge each time I wanted to use it. Hence I'm writing about it to let other people know of it's existence.

Regimental Badges

Regimental badges, also known as cap badges, head badges, or hat badge, is a badge typically sewn or attached to the headgear of a military man in order to distinguish him from the different troops, nationalities, and other organizations of the Military. A lot of organizations wear a badge, especially members of the police, military, as well as members of small groups such as Boy Scouts. Even paramedical units and fire service departments as well as customs departments are wearing a badge.

In the British Army the Regiments and members of the corps have made their individual badges to distinguish their groups from the others. The wearing of these cap badges have been known to be originally done by the British Army in decades long ago. They are known to have a distinct regimental badge being worn by their members. These cap badges were named as "cipher" for those in the Royal Horse Artillery, "Caps tar" by those belonging to the Cold stream Guards and "motto" by the regiment.

Regimental Variations Metals were not that often used during the Second World War. Instead, plastic regimental badges were used. Today, materials have shifted to stay-bright plastic materials because they are not as high-maintenance as the traditional brass badges. They are generally cheap and easy to clean.

Some variations have been made for these badges and they were mostly seen in the case of officer's badges and senior officers who are non-commissioned. For the officers, the badges are made up of more expensive material and may include silver, gilt, or sometimes enamel. Some have metal badges that can be attached, others have embroidered ones that are easier to attach by sewing.

Non-commissioned officers have designs that are elaborate enough to scream out the ranks but not as elaborate as those of the officers. These badges are also made up of high quality material. In the battlefield, members of the military often use a darkened version of their badges so as not to attract enemies and become their target.

How They Are Worn Depending on the rank, the division, or the organization you belong to, cap badges can be worn in a variety of ways. Let us take a look at some of the well-known methods of wearing a cap badge or a head badge.

A service dress cap is worn by some members of the military and is usually worn at the center of the forehead on the cap. A beret is worn a few centimeters above the left eye or two fingers above that eye. If you have a side cap, it is to be worn in the middle of the left ear and eye. The same instruction goes for those wearing the Scottish tam o'shanter and Scottish Glengarry. Most of these badges are worn towards the left ear, such as the Feather Bonnet, the Jungle hat, and the Fusilier cap.

Other members wear it using another way, sometimes at the front, and sometimes at the back. Examples of these are the Gloucestershire regiment and the Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment. However it is worn, regimental badges will always give you that well-earned respect you deserve. Regimental badges

Saturday, 28. September 2013

Military Star Lapel Pins

Star is always using many time for the army, police, military or navy lapel pins. This is traditional and lasting for hundreds of years. Normal design is five star, some times six or more. Also there is some unique lapel pin too. Honor to the exploit commemorative products. Below is the Utah peace pins.

Big military lapel pin, UTAH peace officers ASSN. Like five-pointed star, but it's five big one and five small one. Each big angle has a round metal ball. It's a commemorative military star lapel pin: "The great seal of the state of UTAH 1986".

It is very solemn and sacred, used with past president. Blue soft enamel, polishing two sides .Plated gold. Size of 8.2cm x 8 cm. Belong to die struck lapel pins.

Create a More Successful Fundraiser With Custom Lapel Pins

It seems to get tougher every year. Finding new promotional items to excite your audience is a challenge in itself, but if you're also trying to increase your profit margins, you might find yourself stuck. The easy solution is to partner with a fundraising company that handles all of the details - but you pay for that convenience with loss of control over your pricing and profits.

A better idea? Purchase your fundraising materials outright so you can have complete control over the entire process, while still offering desirable items your buyers will appreciate. It's easier (and more affordable) than you think.

Stylish Pins Tell a Story

Candles, cookie dough, candy, and other perishables are popular choices for fundraising. The only trouble is, once they're gone, they're gone. Why not choose an item that will not only last for years, but also offers buyers a memory? Lapel pins are the perfect choice.

If you're raising funds for new athletic equipment or to pay for the senior trip, a pin featuring your school's mascot will make buyers feel as if they're a part of your victory. Include the year, your class motto, or other details to make your pin an instant collector's item.

Special events from the past year can be remembered with photographs reproduced in offset printed lapel pins. They're perfect for drama-club production posters, team photos, or any other image requiring a wide range of colors and detail.

For charity fundraisers, consider a stylized awareness ribbon to represent your cause. The instantly recognizable ribbon shape lends itself to a variety of formats, and pin designers can easily add elements such as logos, dates, and even short phrases to make your pin truly memorable.

There's no need to settle for just one single style though. Give buyers several options to encourage more sales. Booster club fundraisers would benefit from a pin for each team, while charity events might offer different pins for varying levels of donation.

Total Pricing Freedom

You know your customers best - what they want and how much they're willing to spend. When you buy your fundraising items outright, you have complete control over your pricing and profit margins, which allows you to better plan your fundraiser.

Depending on the style and accessories you choose, custom lapel pins can be one of the most affordable fundraising options available, often costing less than a dollar per pin. And of course, you can choose a variety of pins at different price points to offer something for everyone in your audience.

Ordering lapel pins for your fundraiser couldn't be easier. Look for a supplier who offers custom color matching, so your logo, mascot, or other design elements are a perfect match. Also, you'll want a variety of options for jazzing up your pins, such as colored gemstones, flashing lights, and bobbles. Don't forget the quality upgrades, as well: jewelry-grade clasps and enhanced packaging add value and encourage more sales. Finally, be sure to choose a manufacturer that offers quick shipping, so you'll never miss a deadline. You'll build a better, more profitable fundraiser with quality pins from a responsive, reputable supplier.

Andy Chen is Manager of Lapel Pins CN. When you need custom lapel pins visit today. (c) 2013 All Rights Reserved.

Lapel Pins Make Your Organization Stand Out

Whether your group is philanthropic or an association of like-minded professionals, promotion to donors or potential members is always a focus. Without contributions and/or the addition of new people, your association won't grow and thrive. This fact creates a need for constant promotion. From use with sponsorships and event marketing to giveaways and member awards, lapel pins offer an exceptional way to get the word out.

When you're looking for something that's professional, will draw attention and is affordable, lapel pins deliver. Custom designed lapel pins can be made in any shape, design or color you can imagine. What's more, they have a high perceived value and are considered to be like jewelry making them perfectly suitable for wear with practically any attire.

Advertise Your Group

For a minimal cost, attractive lapel pins can be created that show the name and logo of your organization. When your members wear their pins, they promote the organization everywhere they go. Whether at work, a restaurant or a networking event, everyone they come in contact with will see a professional advertisement for your organization. What an easy way to reach a huge audience.

Increase Fundraising Results

The Fraternal Order of Police collects money for Easter Seals and Special Olympics. March of Dimes receives donations generated by Kiwanis International. If your group is philanthropic and raises money for a particular charity or if your association depends on donations from individuals, lapel pins can help increase your fundraising results.

You might consider offering specially designed lapel pins as a reward for donations of particular amounts. "Foundational Donors" (those contributing a minimal amount) could receive small lapel pins bearing your logo in blue while "Executive Contributors" who make significant donations might get larger pins in striking black and gold. The possibilities are endless.

Service Awards

Lapel pins can also be used for identification and recognition within your organization. Each section or chapter can have its own design or color that allows for easy recognition. Lapel pins can be awarded for significant accomplishments to those who participated in fundraising or other group-related activities. Members can also receive lapel pins that mark their years of membership as well as their standing within the group (new member, president, etc.)

When looking for a way to bring your group together, promote charities or reward performance, lapel pins offer endless options. Available in a variety of colors and designs, you can create attractive pins for use in any situation. And, because lapel pins are worn with pride, they are sure to be seen by countless others who will want to know more about your organization.

Andy Chen is Manager of Lapel Pins CN. When you need affordable, promotional items with a high perceived value, lapel pins are an excellent option. Visit today for custom lapel pins in just 10 days, guaranteed!

Friday, 27. September 2013

Coast Guard Challenge Coins

The US coast guard(USCG) is a branch of the United States armed forces and one of seven uniformed services. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the Department of the Navy by the President or Congress during time of war. It is one of the most famous army in US.

The emblem is a blue eagle from the coat of arms of the United States on a white field. Above the eagle are the words "UNITED STATES COAST GUARD;" below the eagle is the motto, "SEMPER PARATUS" and the inscription "1790." Also,the coast guard challenge coin is making based on emblem. It can be made with many types of material. Many color of plated. Coast guard challenge coin is similar as US Marine Corps Challenge Coins and Army Challenge Coin. When you found pins, here is Coast Guard lapel pins.

Thursday, 26. September 2013

Marines Challenge Coins - A Great Moral Enhancer!

The system of providing Challenge coins started in military during World War I. Today, many organizations and groups provide these coins to its members. Such a coin is a small medal or coin with an emblem of an organization it represents. Members of the organization produce the coin to assert their identity and membership. Marine challenge coins are held in great esteem.

Many fables are associated with the origin of the challenge-coins. The most popular one is the story associated with an American pilot who braved great odds of war and returned to his group. It is known that the young pilot managed to convince his French enemies his identity showing a challenge coin. After his return the rich pilot distributed challenge-coins to every one in his regiment. This incident happened during First World War.

Marine challenge coins stand for membership, support and patronage of the holder of the coin. Special coins are minted by the commanders to honor members for exceptional work. They are a great moral booster and are considered to be a highly respected and esteemed honor. It improves individual and team spirit. Officers get shifted as their careers advance. During such occasions they bore with them the custom of awarding a unit coin for tasks worthy of recognition, but not have enough value to present the soldiers act for an official medal. Such recognitions and appreciations were accepted with pride.

Marine challenge coins are growing fast in marine departments. Besides boosting the moral of officers, it builds a strong bond between each other. These coins are cherished and valued by the officers even after they leave the service. As a statute, rules regarding challenge-coins forbid defacing the coin. Some disfigure a coin to make it easy to take. If the coin is linked to a belt buckle or key ring, or if a hole is drilled into it in order to connect something, the coin isn't considered to be a custom coin.

These coins take a deliberate effort to carry at all times. It was expected to be carried in a pouch or case. Some unit laws specially prohibit carrying a challenge coin in a wallet. All these factors make it difficult to carry them with you always. Undoubtedly, these little coins are an effective way of showing appreciation and boosting moral. They symbolize unity, solidarity and team spirit for all who bear them.

In spite of how they are required, the history of the challenge-coin stays a part of military tradition. Marines will display them proudly for years to come.

Collecting Marines Challenge Coins is always considered as a good hobby. Click here to know more about challenge coins

What Challenge Coins Mean to Soldiers

People in the military expect to work hard, and some of them go that extra mile beyond the high expectations they are already expected to live up to. In some cases, a soldier's efficiency, productivity, or an act of bravery is considered exceptional, and they are properly thanked by their superiors, sometimes with a handshake and a verbal expression of thanks, and sometimes with a special certificate of appreciation. But military coins are another way that soldiers may be thanked for their exceptional dedication to their work, and these irreplaceable coins carry very special meaning. When a soldier comes home from deployment, he or she often has challenge coins together with a collection of most prized possessions, including photographs, dog tags, and wedding rings.

Military challenge coins come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes, and they are often personalized to represent the unique situation in which it is being presented. Many soldiers carry their challenge coins with them everywhere, including the shower! The ways in which leaders design their coins varies. For example, one command sergeant obtains a regular battalion coin representing his particular battalion, as well as a personal coin that has his name and rank engraved on it. When he presents his personal coin to you, it symbolizes a personal expression of thanks from a leader to one of his soldiers for their hard work.

But you don't have to be an officer or a leader to obtain and give military coins. A soldier can, for example, obtain coins from the Post Exchange and award them to fellow soldiers for specific actions or deeds. In general, the more unique the coin, the more valuable it is, though even a mass-produced coin bought in the PX can have a world of meaning to the recipient, depending on the situation in which it is given. And challenge coins aren't necessarily given within a chain of command. Sometimes someone in one chain of command who interacts regularly with someone in another may wish to recognize that person's contributions and does so with a challenge coin. These can be very meaningful as well.

But though coins may represent serious situations, they are often part of more relaxed traditions too. Sometimes coins are used to "challenge" a fellow soldier. If, for instance soldiers are out together and one has a challenge coin, he may challenge the other soldiers to produce their coin then and there. Whoever doesn't produce one has to buy a round of drinks. Or, if one soldier challenges another with a coin and the challenged soldier produces his coin, the original challenger has to buy the drinks.

The coins and the traditions that have grown up around them in the military all go back to the acknowledgement of having shared a common bond as soldiers, and the commemoration of special events and situations where hard work and perseverance made a difference. For those reasons, military personnel generally cherish the challenge coins they've been awarded as some of their most precious possessions.

Are you looking for other like-minded people when it comes to your Challenge Coins? Are you looking into buying and selling Challenge Coins online? Then I suggest you check us out at " immediately.

A History of Challenge Coins

Many service members returning from overseas deployment in a combat zone receive challenge coins; these coins commemorate their service to this country, whether it's from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard. Coins are typically 1.5" in diameter and struck with the insignia of the service, and some motto or slogan for their time in service and the specific unit they served in.

The custom of challenge coins originated at the end of the First World War. Most people who get these coins are handed them in a handshake, very discretely, usually when they're mustered out to head home. While the coins serve as poignant mementos of serving overseas, in stressful conditions, and often under live enemy fire, they are also shrouded in custom.

Service members from the same unit may issue a challenge in a bar; the person who cannot produce a challenge coin has to pay for the next round of drinks. For service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice, a challenge coin is usually presented to their nearest living relative, along with other reminders of their service.

Sometimes, challenge coins are issued to units after they've been 'in the sandbox' for a while; these coins are used to help bond unit members together - holding a lucky talisman for all members of the unit. Or they're used as a way to show that your unit is better than another unit that doesn't have them. Either way, there are strong traditions surrounding challenge coins, and the people who receive them cherish them, and will show them to their children and grandchildren.

Most challenge coins are struck from brass or bronze, a few are struck from nickel. Many have enameled frontspieces colored in the hues of the service and unit being commemorated. Typically, coins are struck in lots of a couple of thousand, and are paid for by donations to the unit, which then buys a new batch for members before they rotate home. Depending on the unit served with, it may have the unit insignia, a silhouette of a ship (for a Naval service challenge coin) or a picture of the type of aircraft flown or vehicle commanded.

Challenge coins are a simple and subtle way to showcase the duty and honor of America's service men and women. There are places where you can make contributions to help fund challenge coins given to service members, and there are places where replacement challenge coins can be purchased.

Andy Chen is the owner of your online resource for creating and customizing your own Challenge Coins.

Why Are Challenge Coins Becoming So Significant

Challenge coins have not been around for that long, though legend dates them back to the introduction of air combat in World War I. While some experts on challenge coins have examples from the 1950s, they really made their first ascent in military culture in the 1980s with Special Forces troops. Since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, however, they have spilled over from the military to military-related governmental agencies, non-military government agencies, the corporate world, and even into general interest organizations.

Challenge coins are specially-made coins that are inscribed with the name of an organization, an event, a mission, or some other meaningful insignia. They are given to people in honor of accomplishments and are generally deeply cherished by those receiving them. To those with particular coins, they serve as a symbol of solidarity and a reminder of the people and the event or organization associated with the coin.

To soldiers returning home from war, whether their deployment has ended or whether they are injured or killed in combat, challenge coins are considered to be among their most important possessions, ranking with wedding rings and dog tags in importance. A soldier's friends know that if a fellow soldier is killed or injured and must be sent home, that they should make every effort to see that the soldier's coins make the trip home with them.

Military coins are not the only ones, however. Many governmental agencies such as the Department of Defense mint their own challenge coin, as do governmental agencies which are only obliquely or not at all associated with the military. For example, the United States Department of Agriculture mints coins that are typically given to police, firefighters, or other first responders who display dedication or heroism. A number of Congressional representatives and high-ranking governmental workers mint their own coins and may, for example, hand them out to troops returning home to their Congressional districts.

Custom challenge coins are also seen in the corporate world. While the circumstances surrounding the giving and receiving of coins in the corporate realm are different than the combat situations where the coins originated, they are generally used to signify superb dedication or significant accomplishments. Discovering the trend, service clubs and general interest organizations have adopted them as well, to honor those who have made certain achievements or who have stood out in some way.

The carrying of challenge coins has become a point of pride for those presented with them. A tradition of "challenging" someone with a coin has become a goodwill gesture all over the world, with the presentation of a coin upon being challenged seen as a sign of comradeship and a certain connection with other coin holders. Often, in "challenge" situations, the person with the most significant coin will be treated in some way, to a free beer, for example. In other variations, the challenged person who doesn't produce a coin has to buy a round.

The Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Reserves, and National Guard all have challenge coins. Because they have come be regarded as prized possessions - all the more so for being worn and dirty from being carried around - these coins have quietly become a symbol of pride and remembrance for people in military, and increasingly in other groups.

Are you looking for other like-minded people when it comes to your Challenge Coins? Are you looking into buying and selling Challenge Coins online? Then I suggest you check us out at " immediately.

Police Challenge Coins: Honor Those Who Serve

Police challenge coins are small medallions that usually carry the emblem or insignia of a specific law enforcement's unit. Carried by most police officials, the coins are designed to enhance morale and honor those who serve. While the coins exact origins are unconfirmed, it is thought the challenge coin has military beginnings. Military records dating back hundreds of years show the coins were given to soldiers as a memento, to mark a person's service to their country. Several presidents have also received challenge coins, with the most recent being George. W. Bush for his 2007 visit to troops in Iraq.

Police coins come in a variety of different sizes, shapes and designs. Each individual law enforcement unit usually has a coin designed to their own specifications. The coins often have a bronze, silver or gold finish, as well as painted detailing. Why and how the police coins are awarded is usually down to each specific unit. However, it is common practice for an officer to receive a challenge coin after receiving two letters of recommendation following an act of bravery or good deed. These coins are also issued to commemorate a special occasion or to remember officers who have been killed in the line of duty. The coin is seen by many government officials as being a good way to improve relations between officers and the general public, as well as improve PR between the police agencies and other areas of the community. Special challenge coins have been known to raise important funds for charities linked to improving the lives of police officers injured while working.

Members of the public are also able to purchase police challenge coins, with the proceeds going to one of the many charities associated with the individual law enforcement unit. As well as looking after the families of fallen officers and helping injured officers, these coins also help charities linked to improving the general working life of a serving officer. This may include purchasing essential pieces of uniform, improving office space and funding social events for the officers in their down time. These coins are also given to new officers, as a way of marking the end of their training and introduction into their specific police unit.

People can also purchase police coins, as a way of showing their support for the many individuals who work to keep their city safe. Highly collectible, it is not unusual for these coins to be sold at auctions or kept in a person's private collection. President Obama placed the Presidential Challenge Coin on the memorials of the soldiers who were killed during the Fort Hood massacre.. The most sought after coin by collectors is the Bulldog coin, which was given to the gunners of the B-52. Law enforcement officers who own a challenge coin are encouraged to carry it at all times. There are several rules associated with owning one of these coins, the most important being it cannot be defaced in any way. Many individuals drill holes into the coins, so they can wear them on necklaces or lanyards. They are often completely unaware that defacing them in this way means they are no longer considered to be challenge coins.

Andy Chen is the owner of Lapel Pins CN your online resource for creating and customizing your own Police Challenge Coins.

Get a free quote by filling out the request form at:

Challenge Coin Display Cases and Challenge Coins Tips

I find it amazing that the interest and popularity of challenge coins and challenge coin displays keeps rising. I get many questions about military challenge coins so I have decided to gather some valuable tips for you.

The most popular challenge coins are navy challenge coins, marine corps challenge coins, army challenge coins, air force challenge coins and police challenge coins. Which one do you prefer?

Challenge coins are more precious than one can imagine - they usually worth a couple of bucks, but they have a sentimental value no one can evaluate. That's way; you must protect your military challenge coins by using a challenge coin display case.

Buy a challenge coin display that totally answers your needs:

1. One that will make you proud of your challenge coins collection - Some have dozens of challenge coins from navy challenge coin, marine corps challenge coins and army challenge coin to air force challenge coins and police challenge coins. A collection like this could be really impressive.

2. One that will fully protect your challenge coins - Most of the challenge coin display cases have a plastic capsule for each individual coin.

I find the military challenge coins a bit magical. Did you know that no one can point exactly when the first challenge coin was made? Some say that the first one is date to World War 1. Others say that the first military challenge coin is from the Vietnam War.

I believe that people are just starting now to understand the real value of challenge coins. A good investment would be purchasing as many different challenge coins as you can. They are going to be an expensive collectible item in a few years.

But one should remember that a challenge coin represents values before everything - support to the organization minted on the coin whether it is a navy challenge coin, marine corps challenge coin or any other organization.

Find more valuable coins info and the best place to buy coins from on Challenge coins best sources [].

The Ongoing Popular Challenge Coins

Challenge coins have become increasingly popular not just in America where they originated from, but throughout the world as a sign of solidarity amongst organisations. Normally made from bronze for the military, they have also been known to be made of other materials when used for different organisations such as Scout groups or sport teams.

The Challenge coins are made to represent a team effort and it's something the owner can have and carry with a sense of pride and belonging. Usually, they have the logo or insignia of the organisation on them and with a lot of companies offering to produce these coins at a reasonable price, there are always organisations looking to commission the making of these coins.

For military personal the Challenge coins are a very valued and an honourable coin to have with people all over the world collecting them as a hobby, the mere fact that some of them date back to the First World War gives them a history of their own.

Police Forces and Fire Departments also give these Challenge coins to their members for dedication and service to their department and are carried with a great feeling of honor.

As well as the American Forces it is also now known that the Canadian Forces have also followed the American Forces with the tradition of the giving of these coins. It is also known that American Officers introduced these coins into the Swiss Armed Forces whilst on training missions although within the Swiss Armed Forces the coins are requested and paid for by the Swiss Officers and not issued.

Prices for these coins can vary but many are produced in South Korea because of the connection with the American military bases and of course the costs are cheaper than when produced in America.

Challenge Coins are perfect for any collector. If you're interested in these types of coins, including military coins, make sure to visit They offer all types of coins, including military challenge coins.

The Cherished Challenge Coins

There is many an elderly ex soldier walking around today still with their challenge coins safely tucked into their wallet, they say old habits die hard and this is true of these coins. For in years gone by it was always considered imperative that a soldier always carried his challenge coins, whether it be in his pocket, wallet or simply worn around his neck in a leather pouch.

Soldiers carried these coins as a symbol of unity within their regiment, their pride at having been honoured in being awarded the coin, whether it is for simply belonging and being an active member of their squadron or for an act of sheer courage and bravery, the reason was not important the fact that they had been given the coin was important.

It is said that one young soldier owed his life to one of these challenge coins when unable to prove that he was not a German soldier but in fact an American soldier, with his fate set on his execution he was finally believed when he produced his challenge coin with his squadron insignia emblazoned onto it.

This is just one of the reasons why it is important that every soldier carries his coin or coins with him as they can be awarded more than one coin, indeed many a soldier from previous wars have a collection of challenge coins from various missions and battles they encountered and will mean the same to them as any medal that they may have been awarded for bravery as well.

Whatever the reason for being awarded the coins, you can be sure that soldiers will cherish and keep their coins until their dying day, when, it has been known, they have them been passed down the family to younger members to keep and value just as much.

For more information, visit They offer information on military coins, including military challenge coins.

Special Forces Challenge Coins Recognize the Performance of an Elite Group

The Special Forces are specialists in their field and are often given the Special Forces Challenge Coin in recognition for their expertise and dedication. The coins are manufactured in various sizes, shapes, designs and are similar to challenge coins given to other members of the military except there is an even deeper meaning for those who receive them.

The Special Forces challenge coins are given to military members who provide numerous services including hostage rescue, counter-terrorism operations, surveillance and recovery of military information in hostile situations and demolition missions. In addition to the risk that is experienced by members of the military on regular missions, the elite members that perform high-risk missions are honored for their contributions with these coins.

Special Operations Units

Army Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force, the Navy SEALS, the Marine's Force Recon and Scout Snipers and the Air Force's Pararescuemen are just a few of the special operations units of the military. Special Forces provide their services during peace and wartime. As a way of honoring their unique talents and the 'behind the scenes' duties that are performed, Special Forces challenge coins are given.

Representing a Bond

The coins represent much more than belonging to a particular group. Because these members often work very closely and have to rely on each other in areas where total isolation is necessary, they develop a special bond. This bond quite frequently extends to their personal life long after their military service is completed. The coins received may contain anything that has a special meaning to the members of the group. This includes text or an insignia representing their branch of the military.

They may also include a motto or other saying that is specific to the group. One type is the Green Beret challenge coin. It features a green beret, a sword and the words, "De Oppresso Liber" at the top and "Liberate from Oppression" at the bottom. Another type includes 'U.S. Army Special Forces" on the coin. There are older vintage Special Forces challenge coins that are highly regarded by collectors. They are made from silver and bronze.

The coins may also contain emblems and the words, "Duty, Honor, Country and Proudly Served." Others have theU.S.flag and an eagle. The coins can vary according to the preference of the person who is having them made. Their main objective is to convey the camaraderie among the members of the group and to commemorate the time shared and missions accomplished.

The Special Forces challenge coin is one of the most highly regarded coins of members of the military. Those who receive these coins are courageous, dedicated to serving their country and committed to protecting the safety of the well as their fellow members. Family members preserve the coins and their meaning to hand down from one generation to the next as a symbol of the bravery of grandfathers, fathers, sons and uncles.

Create and customize your own Special Forces Challenge Coin.
Get a free quote by filling out the request form at:

Company ID Badge Machine

Company ID badge machines are a great solution for companies with medium to large staff sizes. These machines offer you the ability to design, customize and print your own employee ID badges and security badges. These machines not only work great for companies, but they are also a great option for conventions, seminars, schools and special events.

One of the first pieces of equipment that you will need if you want to produce a lot of employee name badges is a desktop card printer. These printers are designed for handling thicker papers and plastic card blanks. They also offer higher printing resolutions and special printing options, like hologram imprinting.

To design and operate your company ID badge machine, you will need special ID design software. This software will offer the design tools needed to create a professional looking ID badge. It will also allow you to add special security features to your name tags like bar coding.

If you plan on creating photo identification cards then you will also need to buy an image capturing system. Usually this is a digital camera that can be tied into your computer system via a USB port or some other type of connection device. Digital images of employees are great security features that you can add to any name badge or ID badge. It limits the ability of a non-employee, or an unauthorized person from using the ID.

The final items that you will need to purchase when setting up your ID badge system are supplies. You will generally need: printer ribbons, printer ink, blank card cartridges, card stock, lamination sheets and batteries. You may also need special connection cords, a tripod, data storage devices and a television monitor.

Custom name badges and pins can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used to add extra security in your office or venue, they can be used to identify people at a workshop or seminar, or they can be used as an entry card for conventions and other special events. Custom ID badges also work great for employee ID passes. When designing your employee ID badge you will want to include such things as a photo of the employee, their name, their job title, department and your company logo. Custom and engraved ID Badges and Nurse Name Badge Pins - Custom ID Badges is your source for employee ID badges, security tags, & custom neck lanyards.If you want to know more name badges visit

Tuesday, 24. September 2013

Using Lapel Pins to Drive a Profitable Political Campaign

Who would ever think that something as simple as a lapel pin could help one achieve major popularity? In the scope of politics, it seems to be the case. Dating as far back as Dwight D. Eisenhower, lapel pins have always had a prominent place in American government. With all the chaos involved in running a prosperous campaign, precise pin order placement is the difference between running a profitable and profitless campaign. The proceeding tips summarize several steps for a creating a winning political campaign pin.

Set a budget. Since political campaigns call for other marketing mediums, such as signs, pamphlets and other materials, plan an initial budget of $5500 - $6000 for lapel pins. Although, the price may seem steep, expect a return of $19,250 to $24,750, which represents $4 to $5 donations per pin on a volume of 10,000-or whatever the political candidate prefers to charge for the campaign pin.

Start with a slogan. Just as any successful marketing campaign has a catchphrase, a similar concept applies to launching a victorious political campaign. Try to limit the campaign slogan to five words or less. Since pins with few words have a polished quality, less is more. Make sure that the slogan for the political campaign does not infringe on anyone's copyrights.

Next, select a symbol that concurs with the campaign slogan. For example, an infinity symbol used with the campaign motto: "Social equality reigns forever," or "Capitalism rules," are concise tagline examples for the political pins.

Seek design support. Do not skimp on the pin's design. Remember that in order for it to be an effective fundraising tool for motivating campaign donations, the design is vital. After all, it's a lot easier to attain a donation with the purchase of a beautiful lapel pin than not. Subsequently to avoid any unnecessary surprises, search for a company that has experience designing lapel pins for political campaigns or that can provide support designing the pin. Select a company, who has the ability to provide complimentary design support at no extra cost.

Questions to ask before finalizing the custom lapel pins order:

Finally, during the order process, be sure to pose the following questions:

Since lapel pins are produced using different processes, ask the company which style is the most suitable for the project. Be sure and get a few recommendations, as not always the more expensive lapel pins have the highest return on investment.

When will the order be completed? If time is of the essence, most pin companies accommodate rush orders for a nominal fee. Will you receive a mock-up of the work? Prior to mass production, the pin company should send a virtual view of the product for any last minute changes.

In the end, well-designed lapel pins are a panacea for raising campaign funds.

Andy Chen is a graphic designer specializing in custom design of promotional items. He works at Guangzhou China, manufacturer of custom lapel pins, award and recognition pins of the highest quality: from company and promotional pins, cause awareness and branding pins, even sports trading pins.

Enhance Your Security Measures With Custom Lapel Pins

In this day and time when breeches in security are all too common, more and more organizations are looking for ways to ensure the safety of people, ideas and property. Photo ID badges are a good way to identify persons that are authorized to enter and work in sensitive areas. However, badges - even those with both photos and barcodes - can be easily duplicated. In order to shore up security and reduce the risk of forgery, something that is highly difficult to replicate should be worn in addition to photo ID badges. Customized lapel pins are the affordable solution.

There are many situations that require people other than employees to enter your organization. Businesses and government offices, for instance, may have vendors on the premises to offer installation, technical support or repairs to computers and other equipment.

Lapel Pins are not Easily Duplicated

Contractors will typically have identification from their company. They may even be issued a visitor's badge from your organization upon arrival. Unfortunately, both of these can be duplicated with little effort using equipment purchased at any office supply store. Not true of lapel pins. Because of the extensive manufacturing process required to produce these custom pins, counterfeiting would be quite an undertaking.

Reduce Security Risks for Every Organization with Lapel Pins

Lapel pins can be used in conjunction to your existing badges to enhance security in sensitive areas. Create customized lapel pins that are presented to visitors, vendors or contractors. When a non-employee arrives, verify their identity and their destination/purpose at your organization. Issue a customized lapel pin to the guest that must be worn at all times in addition to their visitor's badge. Before leaving, the person must check out and return the pin.

A similar scenario would hold true for hired security officers that are contracted to protect banks, hospitals, courthouses and other facilities. Security uniforms can be rented by anyone off the street. Using a desktop computer, it's simple to produce authentic-looking photo identification. Unfortunately, there are frequent news reports about imposter security personnel whose actions sometimes result in serious consequences to companies.

By using lapel pins that are specifically designed for your business, the risk of having an unauthorized person slip through security is greatly reduced. Employees will know that anyone without the appropriate lapel pin should be reported immediately. These small lapel pins could help you take tremendous steps in preventing fraud and/or theft in your line of work.

Lapel Pins are an Affordable Security Measure

Lapel pins are affordable and are custom created in any design imaginable, making them a great partner with your current security measures. Because lapel pins aren't costly, you can produce individually designed pins for each department, group or class. Try using different lapel pins for each month, division or branch.

With their versatility, lapel pins can easily add to the security of banks, hospitals, software manufacturers, government agencies, schools, sports arenas, airports and more. When used in addition to your existing security protocols, lapel pins make a big impact on warding off potential threats.

Andy Chen is Manager of Lapel Pins CN. When you need affordable an affordable way to boost security, lapel pins are an excellent option. Visit today for custom lapel pins in just 10 days, guaranteed!

Lapel Pins Help Stretch Your Holiday Marketing Dollars

The economy - it was a major issue in the last election and with its roller coaster drops has caused average consumers to hold tightly to their wallets. Shoppers seem to be cutting back on everything that isn't a necessity. So where does that leave retailers as they approach the holiday season? After all, the day after Thanksgiving, better known as Black Friday, kicks off the time of year when many businesses make the majority of their profits. Retailers are expected to drastically cut prices this season, but they still have to advertise sales to draw in consumers.

Customized lapel pins can make a big impact on your holiday sales without putting a big dent in your budget. They're high quality, which makes them more like jewelry than buttons or stickers. They can be custom-created in every style and design imaginable, making them a perfect match for sales or holiday events. Best of all, they're inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising. Just look at some of the ways they can make a difference in your business.

Promote Specials and Sales with Lapel Pins

Because lapel pins can be made into any shape and with any color, they're a great idea for sales associates who need to promote holiday specials. Lapel pins showing the company logo with copy such as "Ask About Our 25% Off Specials" are sure to get attention not only in the store, but anywhere the associate wearing your pin happens to go. It's a walking advertisement. If your business offers a lay-a-way policy, use lapel pins to let consumers know. Someone who can't afford an item today might be willing to purchase it if they can make payments over time and not pay interest.

Spread the Word

In the service industry? Try using lapel pins to bring in new clients. Have holiday pins made with your logo then give them to your regular customers. If those customers give their pin to someone who becomes a new client, they both get a discount. This can work for hairstylists, manicurists, pet groomers and countless others. If you sell cookware, jewelry or other items via in-home parties, give holiday lapel pins out with each order. When your customers wear their pins, it gives them the perfect opportunity to share what they like about your product with others. It's a well-known fact that word of mouth is the best advertisement of all.

Lapel Pins Boost Holiday Giving

Lapel pins work wonderfully for nonprofits as well. They can be given to contributors to help increase holiday giving and to say thank you for past and future support. Having a holiday bazaar or other program? Order lapel pins that advertise the event and pass them out to members of your organization. Wearing their pins when they're out and about is a perfect way to spread the word and promote ticket sales. You may even want to give lapel pins to customers for buying tickets early, or for buying a certain number of tickets.

During this holiday season, when everyone is trying to make the most of their money, businesses and consumers alike win with the use of lapel pins. Businesses enjoy increased sales without enormous advertising expenses, while consumers benefit from reduced prices and give-a-ways. Try lapel pins for your group or business this holiday season and see what a difference they make.

Andy Chen is Manager of Lapel Pins CN. When you need affordable an affordable way to boost security, lapel pins are an excellent option. Visit today for custom lapel pins in just 10 days, guaranteed!

The Benefits of Custom Lapel Pins

If you are looking for custom lapel pins, you may find a local supplier but if not there are hundreds of companies who will work with you to create the right pin for your event or organization. Most companies have an art department that can assist in creating an image for the lapel pin. If you already have a logo or design, you can submit the design to the company for them to reproduce on your custom lapel pin.

Lapel pins are not only great for promotion, but also make excellent fundraisers. The simple but effective pink ribbon campaign sold lapel pins with all proceeds benefiting breast cancer research. Your organization or club can also create custom pins in order to raise money, or to thank donors who have already given.

Before ordering your custom lapel pins, decide what the purpose will be. Will they be given away for free at an event? Will they be given to top performers or star athletes? Will they be sold for profit or to raise funds? How many will you need? Should these be "limited editions" or a signature lapel pin that provides a recognized symbol of your group or business? You will also need to decide what type of pin you want, whether you want a multi-colored cloisonné pin or a simple pewter pin. Lapel pins can be ordered with a jewelry-type backing or a simple pin closure. Jot down your ideas before you contact the pin manufacturers, that way you will be more prepared when presented with the many options for lapel pins.

Lapel pins, which recognize safety in the workplace, are an excellent way to reward employees with good safety habits or to identify members of a safety committee. Custom lapel pins with your organization's safety slogan or record can be affordably created. Many pin manufacturers specialize in eye-catching safety lapel pins with bright colors, slogans or even simple yet effective symbols. Having custom lapel pins for safety committee members also gives them something to be proud of while clearly identifying them to co-workers and customers as safety specialists. In an emergency, it would be very useful for others to be able to identify the safety members with one glance.

Perhaps your business is running a special promotion, a "buy one, and get one free" or a 20% off promotion to club members. Why not create promotional lapel pins that make each employee a walking advertisement of the sale? Lapel pins that say, "Ask me about..." or the "20% Club" are great conversation starters - even while your employee is around the corner at the local coffee shop. Promotional lapel pins look polished and customers are impressed with a clean and professional look. Even restaurants might have promotional lapel pins for seasonal specials like "Strawberry Shortcake". Custom lapel pins are inexpensive, eye-catching, subtle and effective advertising.

Lapel Pins CN [] provides detailed information on lapel pins including many lapel pin options such as custom, military, cloisonne, Christian, and patriotic lapel pins.

Patriotism and Purpose: Military Lapel Pins

Military lapel pins serve many purposes; patriotism, remembrance, recognition and membership. Military lapel pins are some of the most popular lapel pins today. Pins from WWII are highly collectible, and there are entire trading communities just for military pins and other memorabilia. Early lapel pins dating back to the US Civil War are the ribbon and medallion type of pin and are extremely collectible. There is a rich history to be discovered in collecting military lapel pins. The passing down of military lapel pins to younger family members is a wonderful way to stimulate an interest in world history and to share your family's history.

Lapel pins are given to members of military squads to identify them as belonging to a certain unit or group. While these types of military lapel pins are difficult for non-military personnel to acquire, you may be able to find one via an auction, or garage sale or from a family member. Today the types of military lapel pins that are most popular are those which show support for the military.

You can easily recognize a family member or friend of an enlisted person by the signature yellow ribbon pin worn on a lapel. It provides the wearer an emotional connection to a loved one far away. It may also be worn in memory of a loved one. Military lapel pins connote many things, so a collector should be sensitive when buying and especially when displaying military lapel pins, making sure to show respect for the person who originally earned and wore the pin.

The types of military lapel pins commonly found from stock lapel pin manufacturers are great ways to show support for troops and for the work done by military personnel. Lapel pins can be found for any branch of the military, with full color or simple die-cast metal. These military lapel pins are an elegant way to show your support or affiliation every day.

Lapel Pins CN [] provides detailed information on lapel pins including many lapel pin options such as custom, military, cloisonne, Christian, and patriotic lapel pins.

A Look at Patriotic Lapel Pins

Perhaps the most popular type of lapel pin is the patriotic pin. Dating back to the Civil War in the United States, lapel pins that declare a person's patriotism are popular, highly collectible and trade-worthy! From the Civil War through WWI, patriotic lapel pins were medallions hung from ribbons pinned on a lapel. After WWI, there were more factories and the ability to mass-produce die-cast metal led to the popularity of die-cast lapel pins. The trend took off and patriotic lapel pins became more popular and collectible as the nation moved into a depression and everyone tried to do their own part, even something as simple as a lapel pin. The quality and craftsmanship of these earlier lapel pins is excellent, and a single patriotic lapel pin can sell at auction for $25.00 or more, depending on the subject matter.

The most patriotic symbol for any country is the flag, and in the US is no different! The American Flag is the most patriotic lapel pin that a citizen can wear. Fortunately there is no shortage of pins to be had! There are cloisonné, die cast, sequined and any imaginable variation of the American Flag on patriotic lapel pins. After 9/11 the sale of American Flags in the form of flags, pins and signs skyrocketed from the shelves, and today that patriotism is still evident with the American Flag everywhere, including on lapel pins. An American Flag lapel pin is a simple way to declare your feelings of pride in your country. Many of our politicians and celebrities have begun to wear patriotic lapel pins every day as part of their normal dress. American Flag lapel pins are elegant, and come in a variety of designs. Many people who travel internationally take American Flag lapel pins along on their travels to exchange with people from other countries or to hand out as small tokens from America.

Of course, there are many other patriotic lapel pins including military pins in support of our troops, pins remembering the 9/11 tragedy and the police and firemen heroes also from 9/11. A patriotic lapel pin gives recognition to those who have sacrificed to protect the nation's freedom and rights, and shows that you are aware and thinking of that contribution. The commemorative Olympic lapel pins are also patriotic and among the most sought after pins by collectors. So, dig out your Lake Placid Olympic lapel pin and wear it with pride!

Many patriotic lapel pins can be purchased in 14karat gold and sterling silver, which make great gifts. Be sure to shop carefully and purchase a pin that truly reflects your patriotic enthusiasm. Most of all have fun, enjoy your lapel pins and wear them!

Lapel Pins CN [] provides detailed information on lapel pins including many lapel pin options such as custom, military, cloisonne, Christian, and patriotic lapel pins.

Making Own Lapel Pins With Attractive Designs

Purpose of pins

There are many methods which are available for identifying employees of an organization. And pins are playing an important role in this process for creating better impressions about corporate companies. People can use these pins on their shirts, hats or jackets to deliver messages in a powerful manner. Nowadays, pins are serving as a best platform to reach audiences in an effective manner. Some may even design these pins for promoting products and services among customers to create awareness. pins are an also an ideal one for other purposes to produce influences on others. However, innovative ideas are necessary for making custom pins to attract more persons. Experts of pin manufacturing companies are playing an important role in studying requirements of customers who want to produce maximum impacts. It is not an easy task to find these companies as they require proper research.

Knowing lapel pin companies
Various sources are now available today to collect details on leading pin designing companies for selecting services depending on choices and budgets. On-line also plays an important role in this process by providing complete information. Also, sizes and dimensions are an essential one for making pins without any difficulties. Business organizations can design their own pins by sending logos or images to professionals. Services of these firms are also offered in important locations across the world for reaching goals. Getting services from dedicated teams are extremely helpful for clubs, educational institutions and sports teams to represent main services and other achievements. Free quotes are available for those who want to design pins at estimated budgets. Consultations are given for all types of business firms to market products in efficient manner. This in turn helps for getting recognition of brands to increase sales.

Choosing services
Lapel pin designing services are also offered at different levels for experiencing desired outcomes. Art departments of pin producing organizations are addressing exact needs of clients by closely working with them. Fund raising organizations are primarily benefited from these services to generate high amounts. Shipping process is arranged for those who are ordering pins from on-line designing companies. Most companies are contributing their best services to business firms and other sectors for maintaining high standards in identification process. Satisfaction guarantee is provided for customers while ordering these pins. pin designing services are also a perfect one for special events, promotional programs, exhibitions and trade shows for increasing earning potentials. All types of pin sizes are available for corporate organizations to get desired outcomes. Instructions for designing traditional and classic lapel pins are also arranged for business organizations to meet requirements in campaigning process.

To know more visit to

Holiday-Themed Custom Lapel Pins Make Your Independence Day Celebration a Hit

For many businesses, holiday celebrations are at the heart of the marketing calendar. Christmas sales can mean the difference between a good year or bad for a retailer, while Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are critical to a florist.

But don't overlook Independence Day. Camping and parades and family gatherings are the perfect opportunities to get the message out about your business, whether you're in retail, service, or even manufacturing.

Get Creative with Custom Lapel Pins

Retailers - Lapel pins are a unique bonus offer to improve holiday sales. Whether you're selling grilling equipment just in time for summer barbeque season or offering discounted rates on a golf vacation package, a small gift, such as a custom lapel pin, can seal the

Service industries - Want to spread the word about your business? Join in the local Independence Day celebration and provide custom lapel pins bearing your logo to parade watchers and others. An attractive metal pin is far more likely to be kept (and displayed) than a flier or other advertising, which means that recipients will remember you long after the holiday is past.

No matter what type of business you're in, offering an incentive can help keep your promotion alive for months to come. Consider giving a discount to return customers who wear your pin into the store on subsequent visits. You could also plan a "refer a friend" promotion and give each customer two pins - one to wear and one to give to an acquaintance.

And don't forget about your employees. They're what make your business a success, and Independence Day is the perfect opportunity to host an employee appreciation party. Invite your staff and their families out for a picnic. Provide a small goodie bag with coupons for restaurants, tickets to a local theme park, and a custom lapel pin to commemorate the occasion.

You might even create special pins for long-term employees, celebrating years of service or other milestones. Adding colored gemstones, danglers, or other effects to your original pin design lets everyone know that this pin - and the person wearing it - is special.

Also, consider including the year in your pin's design. Employees and others will look forward to each year's design and will enjoy displaying their growing collection. The tangible connection to your company builds loyalty, improves customer service, and even helps recruit new employees who want to be a member of such a solid team.

Holiday Designs Become Instant Collector's Items

Custom lapel pins with your company logo or slogan will certainly get some attention. Recipients consider them to be jewelry and will wear and display them for years to come. But if you add a bit of holiday whimsy, your lapel pin is suddenly a highly sought after collector's item.

A burst of colorful fireworks above your company logo instantly connects your pin to this favorite summer holiday. For even more pizzazz, add blinking lights or colored stones and watch your recipients' eyes light up as they show off their new pin.

When you order your pins, look for a supplier who offers custom design work and color matching. For best results and lasting beauty, manufacturers should use only quality metal backings. Finally, timing is everything, so choose a vendor that offers fast shipping, so you won't have to worry about missing out on the fun this Independence Day.

Andy Chen is Manager of Lapel Pins CN. When you need custom lapel pins visit today.

Sunday, 22. September 2013

Lapel Pins Can Be A Political Hot Potato

Lapel pins [] have a checkered history in the political world. Often worn as a symbol of patriotism, sometimes as a sign of rebellion, sometimes a misconstrued indicator of misplaced priorities or misinterpretation, the lapel pin is a staple of the modern political world.

It's not the lapel pins themselves. The basic lapel pins, no matter how they're made, or where they come from, are small, innocuous pieces of metal. It's hard to imagine how something so small can be caught up in so much intrigue in Washington, in the state capitals and on the campaign trail.

No, the issue is not with the lapel pins themselves, but with the meanings people assign to them. And that's where things get sticky.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama came under fire for not wearing a flag lapel pin. At the time, Obama said "I haven't been making a big deal of it. Others have. Sometimes I wear it (the lapel pin), sometimes I don't." But after coming under fire from conservatives who questioned his patriotism, Obama relented and began wearing the flag lapel pin consistently.

Other politicians have faced the same criticism, usually during heated election campaigns. One thing is certain - aspiring officeholders won't go wrong by wearing American flag lapel pins, but could trip up if they don't wear one.

Others who are perhaps more creative in their interpretations, go so far as to see lapel pins that allegedly indicate a massive conspiracy. One website alleges that an eagle lapel pin worn by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shows she is a member of a satanic cult.
And believe it or not, nudity on lapel pins has become an issue in recent months. In May, controversy erupted in Virginia over a "modest" version of a lapel pin issued by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to his office staff. The lapel pin featured the state seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which depicts the Roman goddess Virtus.
The lapel pins issued by Cuccinelli differed from the official state seal in one important way, however. The state seal features Virtus wearing a blue tunic, her left breast bare. The lapel pins issued to Cuccinelli's staffers showed Virtus wearing an armored breastplate that covers both breasts. Following widespread national media coverage, Cuccinelli announced his office would discontinue the "modest" lapel pins.

In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, some broadcast news organizations were criticized for asking their reporters and anchors not to wear patriotic lapel pins on the air. Such policies have long been standard practice for news organizations of all sizes, and were not a response to the 9/11 attacks. ABC News in particular came in for particular criticism, although other news organizations have similar policies.

Lapel pins are a low-key way to make a political point. But some people may find them objectionable in the workplace if they disagree with that point. Discretion is advised when considering whether to wear political lapel pins to work.

About the Author

Lapel Pins CN is the premier provider of lapel pins in China.We will give our best service and gifts for you,if you have any request,just let us know.

Saturday, 21. September 2013

Name Badge Perception

The perception of name badges by an institution or its employees may appear negative. However, the administration of the appropriate name badges for all members of staff of one's organization is the best and most affordable way of enhancing one's business.

As such, name badges are a permanent investment of which all members should be encouraged and made to dress in especially whenever going out on assignments at all times. Information such as staff members names, titles and roles played in the organization, the organization's title and logos should be part of the information included in the name badge so as to enhance their purpose.

Name badges can be used for promotional purposes when worn by employees. When staff members wear promotional name badges to external assignment, they make it easier to identify both themselves and the company in general, thus promoting their company. These badges should be well done with a stylish streak to reflect the personality of the company. This is in contrast to investing in cheap, hastily done badges which are strenuous to view or identify. Cheaply and hastily done badges give a negative image of the badge and must thus be avoided at all cost.

Name badges worn by staff members make it easier for customers to address and relate to the staff. This creates an approachable air within a company and according to research boosts the company popularity by up to 10%. This makes it a necessity for all staff members to don name badges. This will also increase staff credibility when dealing with the customer thus boost good customer service. The staff should thus be encouraged the positive effect name badges have on the organisation.

When the staff members are wearing name badges outside the office, other accessories associated with the badge can also be used for promotional purposes. These accessories include lanyards which are used as badge holders. Lanyards can be made with the company logo or a company product. This will wittingly advertise not only the company but also its products by indirectly using the name badge!

The list is endless of how well done name badges and their accessories when worn by staff members can promote the organisation. It is thus important to ensure that all staff members understand the advantages of wearing a name badge to the organisation and also make it fun for them too. This will eventually change the negative perception name badges have.

Andy Chen is marketing manager of the staff name badges company, the CHN's leading online supplier of name badges and other promotional badge products. You can find a wide range of staff name badge designs and many other interesting name badge articles by visiting

Navy Challenge Coins

Quality Challenge Coins creates coins for Navy departments and many other civilian organizations. Navy Challenge coins are terrific for raising morale and building a bond between officers. Our United States Army challenge coins and USMC challenge coins make a great gift. The Navy Challenge Coin design is covered with a protective finish for long lasting good looks.

This coin size of 38.1mm one big eagle in the center, words:"E PLURIBUS UNUM". Means Unites States is the whole nation. Technology of soft enamel, with color red and black.The coin is die struck lapel pin, it's very alive and clear, eagle's left claw catch hold of leaves and right with many spears. Here is the Navy lapel pins. Best wishes for all of our Navy soldiers.

Air Force Challenge Coins Rules

Air Force challenge coins have been called military coins, unit coins, commander's coins and a variety of other names. The reasoning behind calling them challenge coins is due to the rules that follow the coin.

According to one interpretation of these rules, if a group of military members - from any of the armed services - goes out together one person can call for a 'coin check.' The group must be within arms reach of each other. If everyone has their coin, the person who challenged the group to show their coins must buy drinks for everyone. If one person cannot produce their coin, they must buy for everyone.

Other rules are recognized for the Air Force challenge coins as well. The challenge can be made by one member to another by tapping their coin on the bar or a table or showing it to everyone in the group. They name the person they are challenging to produce their coin and if the person produces it within 60 seconds, the challenger buys them a drink. If they do not, they must buy the challenger a drink.

Still another rule is if a challenge is made and the coin drops on the floor, everyone who sees or hears the coin dropping is owed a drink by the owner of the coin. There are a variety of rules that are observed by those who carry these coins. Regardless of the challenges that are made by members who carry Air Force challenge coins, they have become a distinctive character of the military expressing beliefs and attitudes.

The coins are given to members of the Air Force for service that sets an example for others to follow. In addition, the coins strengthen morale and are separate from the awards and achievements denoted by the patches and ribbons that are placed on uniforms. An act that may not qualify for an official award, but may be just as important to the unit can be recognized by the giving of an Air Force challenge coin.

Each military coin is unique with the logo or the identifying mark of a particular squadron. They are typically made of some type of metal including bronze, gold, copper, nickel and silver. There is a logo that may include why the coin was given or it can be the name and number of the squadron. The coins do not have to be round. They can be custom made in many different shapes.

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What Are Custom Challenge Coins?

It has been believed that in the First World War, custom challenge coins were first introduced and were introduced in the Air Service of US Army. It was said that one of the Air Force officers, the then in-charge, asked to prepare gold plated medals to present the pilots bearing the respective squadron's emblem. This was the origination of custom challenge coins.

The more popular custom challenge coins include the Marine Corps, navy, the police challenge coins and the Air Force challenge coins. The shades, shapes and designs were selected on the basis of several branches the coins represented. These medals are associated with high sentimental values nonetheless of its costs, which is just a few dollars. Later on the major objective of offering custom challenge coins was associated with the manifestation of honor for the outstanding performances or acts of people and to bolster the morale of the forces.

These days such coins are donned by individuals associated with several organizations and institutions to display they are members of some particular body. Even today these coins symbolize the unity and the bonds between the members who are linked with the same unit in the air force, military, or the navy.

The more prominent aspect of these coins is that it can be facilitated for many other purposes as well. Today such coins are believed to be one of the best ways to shower the special recognition towards those employees or any other member of family for the outstanding services offered. It could be anything like achieving the set target of sales, for spending specific years in a service or doing some exemplary deeds. Usually any company prefers to design these coins differently based on diverse ranking and categories. Moreover, if the presentation of such coins has become a customary in any of the organizations, it offers a special sense of proud to the employees and people of that company who receive these coins. It actually boosts their morals and encourages them to perform better to retain that level of excellence for which they have been awarded with these custom challenge coins.

These medals are also facilitated as a strong marketing device to market and do branding work for the respective company. If you can craft such medals displaying the company logo and the slogan engraved on them, they would really become an impressive handout for all types of trade shows or any type of exhibition.

Custom challenge coins can be made from any type of metal and it can be coated with several shades for a classy and dynamic appeal. A few of the added features, like a protective layer or edge, can actually catapult the layout of such coins. These days, there are myriads of companies offering the manufacturing services of custom challenge coins. You just need to opt for the desired shape, color design and any text to be engraved and rest will be taken care of by the manufacturing company. These souvenirs have become a great and classy means of developing a feeling of belongingness.

Custom Lapel Pins

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