The Cherished Challenge Coins

There is many an elderly ex soldier walking around today still with their challenge coins safely tucked into their wallet, they say old habits die hard and this is true of these coins. For in years gone by it was always considered imperative that a soldier always carried his challenge coins, whether it be in his pocket, wallet or simply worn around his neck in a leather pouch.

Soldiers carried these coins as a symbol of unity within their regiment, their pride at having been honoured in being awarded the coin, whether it is for simply belonging and being an active member of their squadron or for an act of sheer courage and bravery, the reason was not important the fact that they had been given the coin was important.

It is said that one young soldier owed his life to one of these challenge coins when unable to prove that he was not a German soldier but in fact an American soldier, with his fate set on his execution he was finally believed when he produced his challenge coin with his squadron insignia emblazoned onto it.

This is just one of the reasons why it is important that every soldier carries his coin or coins with him as they can be awarded more than one coin, indeed many a soldier from previous wars have a collection of challenge coins from various missions and battles they encountered and will mean the same to them as any medal that they may have been awarded for bravery as well.

Whatever the reason for being awarded the coins, you can be sure that soldiers will cherish and keep their coins until their dying day, when, it has been known, they have them been passed down the family to younger members to keep and value just as much.

For more information, visit They offer information on military coins, including military challenge coins.

Special Forces Challenge Coins Recognize the Performance of an Elite Group

The Special Forces are specialists in their field and are often given the Special Forces Challenge Coin in recognition for their expertise and dedication. The coins are manufactured in various sizes, shapes, designs and are similar to challenge coins given to other members of the military except there is an even deeper meaning for those who receive them.

The Special Forces challenge coins are given to military members who provide numerous services including hostage rescue, counter-terrorism operations, surveillance and recovery of military information in hostile situations and demolition missions. In addition to the risk that is experienced by members of the military on regular missions, the elite members that perform high-risk missions are honored for their contributions with these coins.

Special Operations Units

Army Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force, the Navy SEALS, the Marine's Force Recon and Scout Snipers and the Air Force's Pararescuemen are just a few of the special operations units of the military. Special Forces provide their services during peace and wartime. As a way of honoring their unique talents and the 'behind the scenes' duties that are performed, Special Forces challenge coins are given.

Representing a Bond

The coins represent much more than belonging to a particular group. Because these members often work very closely and have to rely on each other in areas where total isolation is necessary, they develop a special bond. This bond quite frequently extends to their personal life long after their military service is completed. The coins received may contain anything that has a special meaning to the members of the group. This includes text or an insignia representing their branch of the military.

They may also include a motto or other saying that is specific to the group. One type is the Green Beret challenge coin. It features a green beret, a sword and the words, "De Oppresso Liber" at the top and "Liberate from Oppression" at the bottom. Another type includes 'U.S. Army Special Forces" on the coin. There are older vintage Special Forces challenge coins that are highly regarded by collectors. They are made from silver and bronze.

The coins may also contain emblems and the words, "Duty, Honor, Country and Proudly Served." Others have theU.S.flag and an eagle. The coins can vary according to the preference of the person who is having them made. Their main objective is to convey the camaraderie among the members of the group and to commemorate the time shared and missions accomplished.

The Special Forces challenge coin is one of the most highly regarded coins of members of the military. Those who receive these coins are courageous, dedicated to serving their country and committed to protecting the safety of the well as their fellow members. Family members preserve the coins and their meaning to hand down from one generation to the next as a symbol of the bravery of grandfathers, fathers, sons and uncles.

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